خبراء في التسويق الالكتروني وإعادة التسويق

نسعى الى توسيع نطاق الوصول لعملائك

يتم تنفيذ إعلانات Google والتسويق عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بمنتهى المعرفة والنزاهة والثقة والشغف والأمان. مهمتنا هي تزويد العملاء بخدمات التسويق والاستشارات المهنية

حملات اعدة الاستهداف

لن يصبح معظم زوار موقع الويب الخاص بك عملاء من المرة الأولى والثانية باستثناء 1-2% في المائة، ولهذا السبب تم إجراء حملات تجديد النشاط التسويقي لتوليد المزيد من المبيعات من الزوار السابقين

حملات التسويق للمتاجر الإلكترونية

إذا كنت تبيع منتجات عبر الإنترنت، فإن حملات التسوق والبحث والعملاء المتوقعين والعرضية تعد أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لتوليد المبيعات على موقع الويب

اعلانات قوقل

نظام الدفع شهري

حملات البحث والتوعية، وحملات العرض، وحملات تجديد النشاط التسويقي، وحملات المبيعات، وحملات العملاء المحتملين والمزيد


We take care about marketing your channel, so you can focus on your business

We deliver true results, focusing on strategic decisions and practical actions tailored to our clients' unique reality.

Our clients’ success is important to us. Clients are not dependent on us, we are dependent on them. Our clients do not interrupt our work, they are the purpose of it.



Search & awareness campaigns, display campaigns, remarketing campaigns, sales campaigns, leads campaigns and more

ecommerce campaigns

if you sell products online google shopping, search, leads and display campaigns are crucial for generating sales on website

Remarketing campaigns

most of your website visitors wont become customers from the first and second time except 1-2% percent, this why remarketing campaigns made to generate more sales from previous visitirs


We take care about marketing your channel, so you can focus on your business

We deliver true results, focusing on strategic decisions and practical actions tailored to our clients' unique reality.

Our clients’ success is important to us. Clients are not dependent on us, we are dependent on them. Our clients do not interrupt our work, they are the purpose of it.



Search & awareness campaigns, display campaigns, remarketing campaigns, sales campaigns, leads campaigns and more

ecommerce campaigns

if you sell products online google shopping, search, leads and display campaigns are crucial for generating sales on website

Remarketing campaigns

most of your website visitors wont become customers from the first and second time except 1-2% percent, this why remarketing campaigns made to generate more sales from previous visitirs

Advertising Reports

the experience is with us

Reports Are important to improve the next campaigns

Pid advertising campaigns reports are very detailed which can show your customers geographical place, age, gender, and the page, product they visited and the time they spent on your website. and those who filed a form or bought and all that is very beneficial in remarketing campaigns.

Standard reports
Regular 95%
customized reports
Expert 91%
on demand reports
Advance 86%

advertise with us

We take care about marketing your channel, so you can focus on your business

We deliver true results, focusing on strategic decisions and practical actions tailored to our clients' unique reality.

Our clients’ success is important to us. Clients are not dependent on us, we are dependent on them. Our clients do not interrupt our work, they are the purpose of it.

why us us

our values

our goals


We advise business owners on their most critical issues and opportunities

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About Digital Marketing

You can advertise your business in the city you live in, in specific cities in your country or all cities. You may target other countries or a continent or so.  You can target specific audience income, high-income groups or so. It also can include or exclude audiences.

You may run ads all day hours or specific hours.  You can set an appointment or collect emails, phone numbers from every campaign you run or send email campaigns, sell products, send messages or receive phone calls or messages on Whatsapp, messenger, and email.

We can target people depending on gender, income, relationships, and interests. After running campaign is completed will view detailed report about the campaign to help you know where your customers coming from and what gender, age, interests is better for your next marketing campaign.

What to Do After Running Campaigns Completed?

  •  Build your customers database
  • Retarget visitors with campaigns
  • Your business reached new customers
  • Next campaigns will always be better than obvious ones
  • Business location and contact details become available for new people
  • People who contacted you or visited your website are probably interested customers and may be they take action in the next campaign
  • The collected customers’ data  is a highly  targeted audience
  • Run re-marketing campaigns

Need Help?


Our Aldalib social media advertising management department is a solution partner for you in reaching your goals by making technical resolutions and target audience analyzes specific to each platform in social media advertisements.

We carry out digital strategic plans specific to you and your industry in order to increase the quality score of your advertising accounts and to achieve high interaction rates in the most accurate channels.

We divide social media advertising management into two types

1- E-commerce Social Media Advertising Management

Actually all advertising campaigns will run from your own accounts in all platforms, which means you will only add our advertising experts to your advertising accounts. You can always view where and how much has been paid. At the same time, you will be able to view the performance data of all your ads with the advertisement reports we will send to you at the end of the month. 

It depends on your goals that we agree on, and the time period has decided on achieving your goals. As your advertising partners, we determine the initial advertising budget and present it to you. With your approval, we start to create ad sets and publish your ads.

Remarketing comes later, after running campaigns for a period of time, so if your business is new or if you didn’t running ads, yet you may have to wait a little After creating the data.

Yes you can if remarketing tracking set correctly, you can send very specific campaigns for those who visited specific page or product or those who watched your videos or liked of followed your page 

No, it is not, the advertising cost vary from country to country, and also depends on competition percentage

2- Regular Business AdvertisingManagement

Actually all advertising campaigns will run from your own accounts in all platforms, which means you will only add our advertising experts to your advertising accounts. You can always view where and how much has been paid. At the same time, you will be able to view the performance data of all your ads with the advertisement reports we will send to you at the end of the month. 

It depends on your goals that we agree on, and the time period has decided on achieving your goals. As your advertising partners, we determine the initial advertising budget and present it to you. With your approval, we start to create ad sets and publish your ads.

Unfortunately if you haven’t set tracking for your old advertising campaigns, and  we might say you can’t run remarketing campaigns. So make sure your money dost go to waste the next time you run campaigns.

Yes you can, and using that advertising tracking we can create lookalike audiences to increase your sales.

Google Ads are very effective, and you literally bid on the keywords that represent your business or product or service with your competitors, and the Haigh bid wins, and your ad will show up.

About Us

Al-Dalib Reklam for Advertising

Commercial Registration No: 5-262298

Company was established

In order to provide advertising services for businesses who might use  and need paid and professional digital marketing services. 

Contact Us



+90 537 689 20 84

Nurol Tower Istanbul, Turkey

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